Friday, December 16, 2011

A Morning Thought...

               So I woke up this morning with a thought stuck in my head from some conversations that I had last night…  Why has everything happened and unfolded the way it has?  I have found myself caught in a between the lines of fire, if you will, with my thoughts.  If the circumstances of this past year were different would I know, care, and enjoy the company of all the new people that have come into my life?  My new “loves”?  I have a lot of love to hand out here people I can’t help I’m so caring! HAHA Anyways I wouldn’t trade any of them for anything in the world but that’s where my dilemma comes from because the death of the man I loved is the only reason I have come to know and love all of these wonderful people…  It seems like a catch twenty-two; I have lost one and have gained so many that are irreplaceable to me.  I do know that there’s nothing that myself or anyone else can do to change where we have ended up.  Whatever the unforeseen reason is, it’s supposed to be this way and that has to be accepted.  I’m sure I can’t be the only one that feels this way so that is why I’m sharing my thoughts. 

I’m finally feeling relief and I’m actually excited about the direction my life is taking right now.  So, we/I have to remember that life is too short and not to dwell in the things we can’t change, to do the best with what we have and find peace with that.  We shouldn’t have regrets or second guess ourselves.  No matter the circumstance we should love the people in our lives that treat us right and leave the ones that don’t behind in our trail of awesomeness.  Yes I said awesomeness.  Believe that everything happens for a reason.  I have come to find that there is absolutely no grey area with the thought no matter how much I kicked and screamed at first.  It either is or it isn’t.  If a new chance or change presents itself and feels like the right thing for YOU to do than you need to take the opportunity and do it.  If it changes your life in a big or small way just let it.  Like “they” say, (who ever they are LMAO), nobody said it would be easy, but it is promised that it would be worth it.  Anything you have to work for or work through always is in the end.  Let’s have high hopes for the future!  Hope everyone has had a good week and TGIF!

Much Love…


BTW:  Count Down Ticker is T-minus one more work week!!


  1. Couldnt have said it any better Rachel. Its like you take the exact thoughts in my mind and put them to words (something Im not very good at). Im so excited to follow you on your journey. Your words help part of me heal, as far as my situation.

    P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE, your main pic. SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! :-)
