Saturday, April 7, 2012

To my Sweetheart...

                To my sweetheart…  It has been a year now since you’ve been gone.  You have amazed and inspired so many people that you have touched during your life, most of all you have impacted my life more than I could have imagined and are still doing so even now.  We had a plan for our lives together and we were extremely excited about what we had in store…  Now as time has passed and you are gone I have been forced into a different direction with a completely different plan.  I have finally come to the realization that as awful and torn we all have been we will be okay.  We will be happy.  I look to you for the strength to be positive, to do new things, and to pursue the new life in which I’ve been thrown into and find the new happiness within it.  I will never forget you but I no longer want to be selfish and hold you from the ultimate happiness you should be feeling right now and I’m sure have yet to achieve because I have been so devastated from losing you.  This will be a start of a new year and I know that if I’m genuinely happy you will be too.  I hope you are proud of me and the way in which I’ve been living my life and I will continue do live in such a way.  I will forever love you with all my heart…
Much Love...


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